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匿名用户匿名用户 67340 次浏览 | 2023-06-18 提问


半夏微凉半夏殇2023-06-18 回答




遥远夜色2023-06-18 回答

Oh, hello there, fellow gamers! Are you ready for an exciting adventure in the world of King of Glory? Well, guess what? I've got a special treat just for you! Today, I'm going to share some super cute and playful victory voiceover lines to snatch that Dragon King trophy in King of Glory! So, get your head in the game and let's dive right in!


1. "Yay! We did it! Time to show off my Dragon Queen powers!"

2. "Roarrr! Fear the Dragon Queen, for I have come to claim my rightful throne!"

3. "Aww, look at that cute little Dragon... Oops! Sorry, not cute enough to beat me!"

4. "Did you hear that? It's the sound of victory, baby! Bow down, Dragon King!"

5. "Ohoho! Who needs a prince when you have a Dragon King on your side?"

6. "Hey Dragon King, you better watch out! My cuteness is unstoppable!"

7. "Woohoo! I'm on a roll! Who's next? Bring it on, Dragon King!"

8. "Congratulations, my loyal team! Let's celebrate our epic victory like true champions!"

9. "Bye-bye, Dragon King! You've just been dethroned by the ultimate gamer girl!"

10. "Victory tastes sweeter when it's against a Dragon King! Let's savor the moment!"

Remember, my lovely gamers, these victory voiceover lines are not just for show. They reflect our fierce determination, our unstoppable spirit, and our adorably playful nature! So, be fierce, be bold, and channel your inner Dragon Queen to claim that victory!

Now, don't forget to equip yourself with the right skills and strategies to complement your adorable victory voiceover lines. Master your hero's abilities, communicate with your team, and coordinate well to achieve a flawless victory.

I hope these cute and playful victory voiceover lines bring an extra dose of fun and excitement to your gaming experience in King of Glory. Now, go out there and conquer that Dragon King like the fabulous gamer girl you are! Good luck, and may cuteness be with you!

青石长阶2023-06-18 回答

在游戏《王者荣耀》中,玩家抢龙成功时触发的英文语音为:your team has reclaimed the crucial kill(你的队伍已经夺回了关键的杀戮),同时页面上会有抢夺成功的播报提醒。
